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Private Hair Salon | Salem Oregon

Private Hair Salon | Salem Oregon

Private Hair Salon Flooring | Painting | Lighting Date: 2021 Location: Salem Oregon Goal: The client wanted a new in-home hair salon. They wanted one that looked more professional and one that had enough space for a waiting area. Finished Product Before Other Projects...
Chiropractic Office Remodel | Salem Oregon

Chiropractic Office Remodel | Salem Oregon

Chiropractic Office Remodel Painting Date: 2020 Location: Salem Oregon Goal: The client wanted to lighten up the space by having more of a neutral color. Finished Product Before Other Projects Basement Remodel | Salem Oregon Kitchen Backsplash | Salem Oregon Concrete...
Showroom Remodel | Salem Oregon

Showroom Remodel | Salem Oregon

Showroom Remodel New Lighting | New Flooring | Painting Date: 2018 Location: Salem Oregon Goal: The client wanted to focus on better lighting to clearly show their products and make the place more open and modern. They wanted to colors to be pleasing to the eye and...
Office Remodel | Tillamook Oregon

Office Remodel | Tillamook Oregon

Office Remodel Flooring | Painting | New Baseboard Date: 2018 Location: Tillamook Oregon Goal: The client wanted to get rid of the old carpet in their office and have white trim to make the place look a bit more modern. Finished Product Before Other Projects Kitchen...
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